
Sleeping bag construction is an art form. With so many variables in the mix, understanding sleeping bag layers can be a key element of bag selection.

Down sleeping bag construction

Along with the quality of the down sleeping bag fill, the arrangement of the fill within the bag plays an important role in overall comfort. 

Using partitions called baffles, the down enjoys a uniform distribution with a balance of loft so the sleeper can enjoy evenly distributed warmth and comfort. 

Domex down sleeping bag construction employs the timeless Box Wall design where a baffle wall is inserted between the outer fabric and the lining to ‘box’ the fill into compartments. 

Each baffle wall is sewn independently to both the inner and outer retaining fabrics so that air cannot pass directly through the seam into the bag.

Synthetic sleeping bag construction

Synthetic sleeping bag construction enjoys a blend of durable shell fabrics with comforting and cutting-edge sleeping bag fill materials.

Clever double-offset sleeping bag layers overcome any problematic cold spots. Quilt lines enjoy generous spacing making it impossible for two quilt lines to be compressed together. 

These artful sleeping bag layers retain the airlock, loft, and fill properties within each compartment of the bag